What is vanillin used for?

  What is vanillin used for?

Vanilla is one of the most popular flavors in the world. It comes from the fruit of the vanilla plant, which contains the beans or seeds from which vanilla extract is obtained. Vanillin is the main substance of vanilla bean extract and is responsible for the characteristic sweet taste of vanilla.

Vanillin has a strong and distinctive vanilla bean flavor, with a stable aroma that does not volatilize easily at higher temperatures. It is susceptible to light, oxidizes gradually in air, and is easily discolored by alkali or alkaline substances. It is particularly widely used in confectionery, chocolate, beverages, ice cream and wine, and can also be used to flavor tobacco. It is also an important flavor enhancer for beverages and foods. It is also used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical levodopa, methyldopa, etc. It is also used as a brightening agent for nickel and chrome plating. Human exposure to vanillin is through skin contact with perfumes and ingestion of foods containing vanillin as a flavor additive.Next, we will describe its specific uses.

In food

The largest use of vanillin is as a food flavoring agent. It is used in desserts and sweets. The ice cream and chocolate industries account for approximately 75% of the vanillin market. Other food uses of vanillin are in cakes, chocolates, cookies and instant noodles.


In beverages

Vanillin is used as a flavoring agent in beverages.


In Pharmaceuticals

Vanillin is used in the preparation of drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, hypertension, and many other drugs.


In health and personal care products

Vanillin is added to cosmetics to make them smell better, and it is also added to soaps to make them smell better.


In agriculture / animal feed / poultry

Vanillin is used in the feed industry as a nutritional product for animals. Its characteristic vanilla smell also provides a pleasant olfactory sensation, as does the key appetite for feed. It ensures traceability and supports the growth of poultry (chickens, turkeys), pigs, cattle, rabbits and fish.


In other industries

Vanillin is also used in rubber and plastics. The manufacturing process of tobacco products requires vanillin as a flavoring agent for cigarettes. Vanillin can be added to tobacco, cigarette paper or filters. Vanillin masks the harshness of tobacco smoke and makes smoking easier.


Food storage and preservation

Compared to chemical preservatives, natural preservatives have the advantages of being environmentally friendly, low cost of production, biocompatible, and effective in preserving freshness. Vanillin in food can be accurately detected by conventional methods such as UV-Vis spectrophotometry, chromatography and electrophoresis, and is a food preservative with high safety.



Vanillin is a natural antibacterial agent and is often used in combination with other antibacterial methods in the food field, while vanillin has different antibacterial effects on different strains of bacteria. In the current production process, heat sterilization is still the most common sterilization method in juice processing, but the traditional sterilization method often leads to the destruction of nutrients in the juice, product browning and other problems.



Vanillin accelerates the scavenging of free radicals mainly through the oxidation product vanillic acid. The antioxidant effect of vanillin can significantly extend the shelf life of oil-containing foods and mask their sour taste.


If you need to buy vanillin for your food factory, or if you need vanillin for your cosmetic production process, please contact us for purchase.



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